1648 - Inveraray created Royal Burgh by Charles I
Commissariot of Argyll - Register of Inventories 1693-1702
M'Nokaird (M'Nocaird),
Donald, in Arichnadryan, par. (parish) of Glenary, d. May 1690 ; Mary N'Nokard, relict ; Christian, only daughter ; Duncan M'Nokaird, brother (record is dated) 28 May 1694
These are the Sinclairs
need to find these records
The Register of Inventories, which is contained in ten volumes, dating from 10 July 1693 to 27 November 1702, supplies a blank in the Register of Testaments, an index to which has already been printed by the Society. The testaments of a few of the persons whose inventories are given in this record are to be found in that Register. These are marked with T. in this Index. The Commissary appears to have made a very complete perambulation through his district during the period included in this Index, visiting each parish and making up inventories of the various defuncts. No estate seems to have been too small to escape furnishing its quota to the Commissary's fees. In an Appendix will be found the lists of persons summoned to account for the estates of defuncts in certain parishes. The various volumes of Inventories comprise the following dates :
10 July 1693 to 28 July 1693;
26 July 1693 to 7 November 1698
25 April 1694 to 3 November 1698;
5 September 1694 to 21 February 1698;
6 May 1697 to February 1698;
1 February 1699 to 10 1 December 1701;
9 May 1699 to 3 January 1701;
30 October 1699;
8 December 1701 to 27 December 1701 ;
27 November 1702;
5 May 1807 to 10 June 1815.
close by geographically
Clark - Katherine, relict of Patrick Crawford in Gortanagoir, par. of Glenary, d. Mar. 1691 : Duncan Clark in Bralechan,
his brother's son (record is dated) 26 May 1694
June 30, 1685 9th Earl of Argyll is executed at the Cross of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland
1688 Valuation Roll
In the Paroche of Kilmalieu or Glenaira - “Mr. Patrick Campbell for Cleunarie & Auchindryan Ane hudreth/ fourtie three pounds four shilling eight pennies in brevi”
13th February 1692 At 7am the Campbell led army, drew arms to obey the orders of King William III to "put to the sword all under seventy", and murdered 38 members of the MacDonald clan of Glencoe, including the Clan chief MacIain and his family. The army had spent the previous 2 weeks in the company of the MacDonald's, making this action all the more henous - to turn against someone who has shown you hospitality was such betrayal. More than 40 other clan members died of exposure, and their homes were burned to the ground.
These events shocked the whole nation and was very influential in the support for the Jacobite rising ..
How long would it have taken for this to have come to the Townships ears ?
CH2/190/1 pg 47
Pg 47 – 1692; Compeared John McCristall in Achadrean who confessed adultery with Mary nc Nocaird there spouse to Duncan McBraen.
The Presbytery haveing sharply rebuked him exhorted him to repentance and appoynt him to return to the session of Inveraray & there to undergo e ordinar discipline appoynt the forsd Mary nc Nocaird to be summoned to the next Presbitery.
1694 Hearth Tax
transcription by Mary Sinclair
Allexr Crawford 1 (modern = Alexander)
John Crawford 1
Ard Gillish 1 (?modern=Gillies - forename? Archibald?)
Marie NcNokeard 1 (modern = Sinclair) - is she widow?
next places are
Donald McIlmaluag 1 (what is this now ? found but not explained on http://www.scotsfind.org/databases_free/surnames.pdf BAD LINK BTW I read the name as McIlmalnag on my copy with notes from DB who didn't indicate what this was!)
Neill McNokeard 1
Duncan Clark 1
John McNokeard 1 Sinclair
Ard Clark 1
FH161 The Commons of Argyll; Name lists of 1685 and 1692 edited by Duncan Mctavish pub Lochgilphead 1935
Gleneray Paroch
- Hugh Mc glash ??
- John Erawfuird Crawford
- John Mc orvorie ?McIlvoy
- Gilbert Mc kellar McKellar
In 1673 permission was granted to Dugald, the great grandson ofDougall McClerick, to build a mill at Braleckan and Craleckan, 'Notwithstanding that Dugald was in use to bring his corns etc., growing on the said lands to the "milner" of Carlundane to be ground and that the miller shall not seek of the Earl a diminution of his rent during his tack, Dugald binds himself to agree with and satisfy the said miller of Carlundane yearly, during his present tack only and no further that the Earl's rent shall not be diminished hereby'. Rental for the mill was recorded in 1688,1
from http://auchindrain.maripo.com/ - This is the work of one of Auchindrain's descendants, Ted Lollis, who spent a lot of time researching and reviewing the history around the township and his ancestors. Unfortunately the original sources of the work are not presently available.
Several years of near-starvation especially when an army of occupation came in — Montrose in 1643, the Marquis of Atholl in 1685 — and left "not a fishing net nor a fruit-tree along Loch Fyne"; years when the precious seed-corn had to be eaten, leaving not enough to sow for the next year's harvest - years when a drover brought back the seeds of plague from Carlisle Market, or years when the men had all to go to the wars and leave "the harvest of the while coifs" when the women worked alone, not knowing if they were wife or widow.
Starvation, Weather and Famine
In Scotland the 17th century brought the hardest phases of the Little Ice Age (Lamb 1977). In 1612 the government of King James VI of Scotland established in Ulster a 'Plantation' of his Scottish subjects to relieve the suffering arising from continual famines in Scotland, and to reduce their frequency. And so began the long troubled history of Northern Ireland as a consequence of the Little Ice Age cooling effects in Scotland.
It was, however, in the last decade of the 17th century that the worst famine of all during the Little Ice Age would hit Scotland. This is the so-called 'ill years of King William's reign', when there were 7 years of harvest failure out of 8 between 1693 and 1700. All harvest failures occurred in the upland parishes of Scotland, and caused more people to die of starvation at that time than caused by the Black Death of 1348-1350. Also a bigger proportion of the total population died than during the Black Death. There are also numerous reports from travellers of the time of permanent snow on the tops of the Cairngorms and elsewhere on the Scottish mountains (Lamb 1995).
All trough the Little Ice Age, from 1550 onwards, Scotland developed and maintained trade with the Baltic as her 'emergency granary' for years of need. In particular this trade took place with Danzig, an outlet for exports from the Polish grainlands. Later Königsberg and Riga became important, as outlets for Russian grains, and several Swedish ports. There were Scottish colonies in the Baltic ports connected to this trade, details of which are recorded in the registers of the tolls levied by the Danish administration of the time of ships passing through Øresund between Denmark and Sweden (Friis 1925).
Fig. 18 shows a chronology of dearth and famine in Scotland during the LIA. Broken lines are years with reported dearth and full lines are years with reported famine.. (Source: Lamb, 1995)