

4 Mar 1819.
Justices of the Peace in Argyll (1686-1825) by Frank Bigwood - this index is available at Argyll and Bute Archives, Kilmory.
To find the records you need to look up the JC13/ number in the NRS
Pg 113 – Petition: Duke of Argyll, Charles Selkrig his trustee and Capt Archibald Campbell Chamberlain of Argyll and the Procurator Fiscal
The petitioners claimed that Donald and Malcolm Munro, sons of Peter Munro tenant in Auchindrain, and John MacNicol senior residing at Argyll Furnace had contravened the Games Laws by hunting on the Duke of Argyll’s property.
The justices granted warrant to summon the men.
Alexander Munro and Donald Sinclair in Auchindrain, Duncan Ferguson and Duncan Brown in Cralecken and John Baine in Pennymore were summoned as witnesses.
4 Mar 1819.


Alexander McNicol Born to Duncan McNicol 1786 - 1873 and Catherine Mcintyre (Duncan is weaver from 1841 onwards)

ABC FH152 Transcripts of tacks/rentals compiled by Mrs Rae McGregor
These are the rents for the Duke of Argyll's properties for Martinmass 1815

equal shares

  • Martin and Alex Munro
  • Duncan Munro Sen and Junior
  • Peter Munro
  • John Campbell
  • Donald Campbell

All paid £19/16/2 each

FH232 List of Military Men of military age 1817
Volunteers =v


  • Iain Campbell Farmer
  • Malcolm Munro Farmer v
  • Peter Munro v
  • Duncan Munro
  • Malcolm Munro v
  • Alexander Munro
  • Donald Sinclair son to Iain Sinclair v
  • Archibald Sinclair son to Iain Sinclair
  • Iain Munro Farmer
  • Iain McNichol son to Alex McVicar (better check that should it be Alex McNichol?????)

This became a year to be known as "the year with no summer" due to a catastrophic volcano eruption the year before (Mount Tambora)
However, while many parts of Europe, the USA and the UK were devastated by extreme cold and wet throughout the summer, the pattern that we are familiar with up here in the Northern parts of Scotland is that when England gets it really wet, we are often really nice and dry. And so it seems happened in 1816 according to one reference we need to find.
(LAMB, H. H. (1995): Climate, History and the Modern World, Routledge, p.433 - which certainly refers to Northern Scotland and Shetland — we have find out about Argyll.

"The Year Without a Summer, a peculiar 19th century disaster, played out during 1816 when weather in Europe and North America took a bizarre turn that resulted in widespread crop failures and even famine.
The weather in 1816 was bizarre. Spring came but then everything seemed to turn backward, as cold temperatures returned. The sky seemed permanently overcast. The lack of sunlight became so severe that farmers lost their crops and food shortages were reported in Ireland, France, England, and the United States.
It would be more than a century before anyone understood the reason for the bizarre weather disaster: the eruption of an enormous volcano on a remote island in the Indian Ocean a year earlier had thrown enormous amounts of volcanic ash into the upper atmosphere.
The dust from Mount Tambora, which had erupted in early April 1815, in an event bigger than Krakatoa, had shrouded the globe. And with sunlight blocked, 1816 did not have a normal summer.
In Ireland the summer was even wetter than normal and the potato crop failed.

http://www.dandantheweatherman.com/Bereklauw/yearnosummer.html - snippets from this reference :>
The period 1812-1817 was one of exceptional volcanic activity, and the sheer volume of volcanic dust pumped into the atmosphere by these volcanic eruptions caused a general, temporary cooling in the earth’s climate around this time
Europe was worse affected than the USA (possibly something to do with the relative sizes of population rather than weather conditions themselves). Either way, cold weather and rain caused crop failures and famine.
So far we’ve focused on where weather patterns were negatively altered, but whenever there are unusually cold and wet weather patterns in one part of the world the opposite weather pattern will occur somewhere else in the world to compensate. And so it was in the summer of 1816 when Ukraine had a hot summer and northern Scotland and the Shetland Islands were fine (Lamb 1995).

18 June 1815 Battle of Waterloo http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Waterloo

end of Napoleonic Wars 1803–1815 — how many from the area had been drafted / killed