

  • 28 November : Wonder what the folk of Glenaray thought about the richter scale 5.2 earthquake that was centred near Eredine between Loch Awe & Loch Fyne

1880/11/28 17:45:00 56.190 -5.300 25.0 5.2 ARGYLL Earthquake website


Between 1881 and 1883 Malcolm Munro, mason, and wife Mary (nee McCallum), moved with ?? children to Black Lands, Inveraray.
Mary died here in 1883.
Malcolm returns to Auchindrain, to his mother and brother's house, probably to get help with the children.

GROS page 8 Statutory Death 513/00 0023

  • 30 July Sarah McNicol nee Kerr 1828 - 1883 died at Auchnagoul (intestinal obstruction)
  • 19 Aug Mary Munro 1853 - 1883 died at Blacks Land, Inveraray (acute peritonitis)
  • 22/23/24 July William Gilchrist 1852 - 1883 was supposed drowned in Loch Fyne near Kenmore

Saturday 25 August 1883 : Edinburgh Evening News
The Missing Letter Carrier at Lochfyne
The young man Macarthur, letter-carrier, Furnace, Lochfyne, who went missing last Tuesday, turned up yesterday at Auchindrain, a place on the opposite side of the hill to that where he was last seen.1

Man Missing at Lochfyne
On Tuesday evening Neil Macarthur, letter carrier, Furnace, Lochfyneside, was sent with a telegram for delivery at Pennymore, about two miles from Furnace. He delivered the message, and was seen on his way back, but has mysteriously disappeared. It is surmised that he may have stumbled and fallen into the water over the steep breast-wall which lines a part of the road. A search for him was made yesterday without success. Macarthur was about 27 years of age, and a native of Inveraray.2


"Auchindrain: The place where the real nest of the Campbells was."
Our cousin Dugald CAMPBELL [1809-1887] in nearby Kenmore comments on Auchindrain, the 8th Duke of Argyll, the Marquess of Lorne, and family matters to my great grandfather and great uncle in Portage-La-Prairie, Manitoba, Canada.
Here are two of several letters exchanged in 1884 which "bridged" the 104-year gap between 1821 (when my Campbell ancestors left Scotland) and 1925 (when my grandparents became the first descendants to "return" to Scotland — and visit Auchindrain). 2 Campbell letters link 2 Campbell letters copy here

9th Duke of Argyll was Governer of Canada 1878 - 1883, with Princess Louise as wife. but he was not yet the Duke.

The ruins of Rob Roy's Cottage at the head of Glen Shira.
It was used by the famous freebooter and his ghilles in the 18th century.
His belt, sporran and dirk handle were found here in 1884 and are now on show in Inveraray Castle.

GROS Statutory Deaths Cumlodden page 2 509/00 0004-6

  • 2 April Peter McNab 1805- 1885 died in Drynlia, Cumlodden (cardiac disease)
  • 6 April Catherine Munro 1791 -1885 died at Achindrain, Cumlodden (old age and debility)
  • 4 April Christina Clarke 1835 - 1885 died at Inverae Manse, Cumlodden (general debility)

GROS Statutory Deaths Cumlodden page 4 509/00 00010-12

GROS Statutory Deaths Cumlodden page 2 509/00 0004-6

  • 14 Jan Donald Munro 1856 -1886 died at Achindrain, Cumlodden (paraphlegia)
  • 21 Jan Robert McInnes 1853 - 1886 died at Goatfield, Cumlodden (cardiac disease)
  • 20 Feb James Cameron 1807 - 1886 died at Minard, Cumlodden (paralysis)

GROS Statutory Deaths Cumlodden page 4 509/00 00010-12

  • 19 April Alexander Crawford 1800 - 1886 died at Crarae, Cumlodden (bronchitis)
  • 12 June Isabella McCallum 1809 - 1886 died at Achindrain, Cumlodden (congestion of the brain)
  • 17 June Mary Crawford, nee Gilles 1843 - 1886 died at Achngoil, Cumlodden (Phthesis)

1886 crofters act

GROS Statutory Deaths Inveraray page 3 513/00 00009
19 May John Sinclair 1819 - 1887 died at Shellach More, near Inveraray (stomach complaint)

from http://auchindrain.maripo.com/ (Ted Lollis old website)
- Closing of the powder works at Furnace.
For much of the 19th century one of Argyll's four manufactuaries for high grade black powder was on Loch Fyne only two miles from Auchindrain.
1881 census notes that Neil McGugan - ACHDN.O - was employed as a powder maker.