John McGougan 1872 - 1924

Name : John McGougan

Father : Neil McGougan 1817 - 1906

Mother : Catherine McArthur abt 1837 - 1905

Born : 3 Feb 1872, at Auchindrain


Married : Isabella Munro 1879 - 1953 on 24th June 1903 at the United Free Church, Colintraive


Death : 31st March 1924,1

  • Cause of Death : (do not have certificate yet)
  • Burial : Kilmalieu Burial Ground, Inveraray
  • Headstone : flickr:9384963174

Occupation : Mason


  • Auchindrain from birth to 1901
  • the MgGougan family left Auchindrain around 1905
  • Crosshouses in 1911


  • 1881

ACHDN O 5th household from Inveraray

Neil McGugan Head married 1820 61 Powder Maker Argyllshire Inverary G 2
Catherine McGugan wife married 1835 46 Powder makers wife Argyllshire Glassary G
John McGugan son 1872 9 scholar Argyllshire Cumlodden G
Alexander Archibald McGugan son 1877 4 Argyllshire Cumlodden
Mary McArthur mother in law widow 1811 70

  • 1891

ACHDN O 4th household from Upper Craleckan

McGougan Neil Head married 1823 68 masons labourer employed Argyll Achindrain G&E
McGougan Catherine wife married 1835 56 Argyll Glasvar G&E
McGougan Duncan son unmarried 1862 29 masons labourer employed Argyll Achindrain G&E
McGougan John son unmarried 1872 19 sett maker employed Argyll Achindrain G&E
McGougan Alexander Archibald son 1877 14 scholar Argyll Achindrain G&E
McGougan Catherine granddaughter 1889 2 Argyll Achindrain
McArthur Mary mother in law widow 1807 84 formerly servant America G&E

  • 1901


Neil McGougan head married 1824 age 77 Dyke builder worker Braleckan Argyll G&E
Catherine McGougan wife married 1837 age 64 Kilmichael Argyll G&E
Isabella McGougan daughter single 1867 age 34 general servant Auchindrain Argyll G&E
John McGougan son single 1872 age 29 mason worker Auchindrain Argyll G&E
Alexander McGougan son single 1877 age 24 mason worker Auchindrain Argyll G&E
Catherine McGougan grand daughter 1889 age 12 scholar Auchindrain Argyll G&E

The house has 2 rooms with one or more windows

  • 1911

Cross Houses, Inveraray

2nd household along from McKenzies Land
2 rooms with windows
John McGugan head, 39 Gaelic and English married, Mason worker born Cunlodden, Argyll
Isabella McGugan 32 Gaelic and English, married
married for 7 years, born Cumlodden, Argyll
2 children born, both still living (but only one living with them)
Mary I C McGugan, daur, 10 months, born Cumlodden, Argyll
their son is staying with John and Bessie McNeil (aunt and uncle) at South Hall Cottage, Inverchaolin



Files / certificates held and by whom.


Other records

  • Valuation Rolls